When I first learned about this novella I was excited to find out that the authors, Emily Ann Putzke and Emily Chapman, were publishing it. They had previously posted the story as a series on their blogs but I had missed it. This way I would have a chance to read it. Not only that but it takes place during one of my favorite time periods to read about- The Great Depression/1930s. (I blame American Girl and Kit Kittredge entirely.)
I enjoyed the story immensely. I was quickly caught up into the lives of sisters Bess and Gi Rowland and wondering how their stories would turn out. Both girls learn over the course of the story, and while it is important to know that you still have fun in hard times it is also important to help each other out when things get rough. I felt very much invested in the characters and really would not mind finding out more of how their lives went (hint, hint).
Vivid characters is something of a trademark that I have experienced with both authors’ writing from the smaller short stories/scenes they have posted on their respective blogs and Ain’t We Got Fun follows in that vein. You are running across the Kansas prairie with Bess or downing uncountable cups of coffee in New York City with Gi. Not only are the two narrators vivid but also the people they encounter and describe. You even have a rough idea of what the musician couple who play the V-instrument are like even though they never really have “on screen” time.
Ain’t We Got Fun is the perfect short historical fiction read for you to add to your summer reading list.
About the Authors:
EMILY CHAPMAN, also known as Bess Rowland, is a young hobbit living in the dear old South, and she is entirely bonkers. She's a dreamer, an optimistic pessimist, and an introverted people person. Blue skies, dancing, Disney, and whipped cream make her happy, and she swears she's once been to Narnia. She's been a reader all her life, became a writer because of that, and published her first novel, Cry of Hope, in March of 2014. But without her Savior, all of this would mean nothing. It is in Him that she puts her hope.You can learn more about Emily Chapman and her books at www.emilychapmanauthor.com and www.facebook.com/ emilychapmanauthor.
EMILY ANN PUTZKE and Gi Rowland have two big things in common: their love for God and coffee. Besides writing historical fiction, Emily enjoys being an aunty, photography, Irish dancing, spending time with family, attempting to play the guitar, reenacting, and reading. She loves polka dots, war movies, and all things vintage. Her first novella, It Took a War, was published in December of 2014. You can learn more about Emily Ann Putzke and her books at www.authoremilyannputzke.com and www.facebook.com/
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