Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Resist" Cover Reveal

 My dear, dear friends I'm sooo excited to be participating in Emily Ann Putzke's grand cover reveal for her upcoming release Resist! I've been eagerly tuning in to her blog and reading about her progress on this story ever since I found her blog. And from the snippets she has shared I'm convinced it is going to be a good one.

 But, without further ado, the cover!


Munich, Germany 1942—Hans Scholl never intended to get his younger sister involved in an underground resistance. When Sophie Scholl finds out, she insists on joining Hans and his close friends in writing and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets entitled, The White Rose. The young university students call out to the German people, begging them to not allow their consciences to become dormant, but to resist their tyrannical leader and corrupt government. Hans knows the consequences for their actions—execution for committing high treason—but firm in his convictions, he’s prepared to lose his life for a righteous cause. Based on a true story, Hans, Sophie and all the members of The White Rose resistance group will forever inspire and challenge us to do what is right in the midst of overwhelming evil.

Available in paperback and ebook on February 22nd, 2016

Pre-order the ebook on Amazon

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About The Author:

Emily Ann Putzke is a young novelist, historical reenactor, and history lover. You can learn more about Emily and her books at www.authoremilyannputzke.com and www.facebook.com/authoremilyannputzke

 Go add the book to your Goodreads shelves! Mark your calendars for February 22nd, 2016! And don't forget to spread the word!

1 comment :

  1. Thank you so much for your help with the cover reveal, Hanne-col!! =)


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